Monday, July 2, 2018

Gelli Printing Fun

I recently bought a gelliplate. I had made one years ago but it met its demise so it was time to get another.  I had a lot of fun layering texture upon texture to create these prints on canvas and paper (the bottom three). I used some weeds and other plant materials plucked from outside as well as some great texture tools I've accumulated over the years. I used my textile paints from Pro Chem and they worked beautifully.

I will be teaching a class with Kathi Battles, from my Cutting Edge Fiber Art Group on using a variety of techniques to create your own fabric using paint, August 21st at Studios on the Park in Paso Robles. The only charge is $15 for materials. If you are local, go to their website and sign up if you are interested in learning some fun techniques.