Friday, April 10, 2015

Soy Wax Batik with Paint

I had a chance to play around with soy wax and textile paints yesterday.  Lots of fun.

 First I put imprinted wax onto the white fabric, then painted it with yellow,
 yellow-green, and yellow-orange.

After drying the fabric I did more waxing using a variety of objects dipped into the wax
 and painted on darker colors.  

Above is the dried, ironed fabric.  Most of the wax is removed, but I will do the final very hot washing in a few days after I'm sure the paint is totally cured.  I know the ironing does heat setting too, but don't want to lose any color.  This is one side of the fabric and below is the other.  Although the paint is transparent, the sides are a little different due to using paint as opposed to dye.  I kind of like that, in that it gives you more options in using the fabric.

Below is my sweet dog napping in the sun on the bed in my studio.


  1. What a fun idea! I've never tried using paint, just dyes... hmmmm! Yet another technique to experiment with! I love the layers in this piece... lots of depth!

  2. What a fun idea! I've never tried using paint, just dyes... hmmmm! Yet another technique to experiment with! I love the layers in this piece... lots of depth!
