Sunday, May 19, 2013

In the Garden

Eight and a half days left of school.  Yeah!!!!  I remember when I was a kid in school and I thought the teachers must be so sad as the end of the school year came to a close.  Like, what would they do without us all summer?  I'm enjoying just thinking about all they dyeing, gardening, etc, that I'll finally be able to get to.  Meanwhile, this weekend I'm bombarded by projects to grade before the end.

I did have time to dye a scarf last night.  It's curing right now and I should have pictures of it here soon.

Last night about 7pm, the cacti blossoms in our backyard opened up.  They have amazing, trumpet-like large blooms.  They can be encouraged to flower by watering them for a week or so.  They never last very long but are so exquisite.

I love the mix of the reds and greens of the tall, cylindrical cacti behind the flowering ones. I love the contrast of such delicate colors and shapes attached to such prickly cores.  I  should know all their names, but they're my husband's hobby, so that's my excuse.

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