Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Marbling Fabric

Yesterday, I marbled some fabric.  I've marbled paper with my middle school students using different supplies and methods than what I used for doing the fabric, so it was definitely a new learning experience.  For the paints to stick to the fabric, it must first be soaked in an alum bath for up to 20 minutes, then allowed to dry naturally, so I did that first.  Then I prepared the methyl cellulose sizing, which is a thickened surface to which you apply the thinned out paint.  With my students, I had always used carrageenan, which I'm going to use the next time I do marbling.  I just like how much easier it thickens up, and you don't have to use ammonia, which is just too toxic for me.

 Here is a great post from someone who took a class taught by Elin Noble, a fabulous artist,  where all the steps are explained very well   Both Dharma and Prochem also have great information on their websites and of course there's some great books out there.  I'm dying to get Jo Fitsell's DVD but my budget is pretty tight right now.  She had a great article in August/September 2011 Quilting Arts issue.  Check out her  website too for some great examples  So here are some pics of my better ones.

 Below is a detail

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